Firearm Safety

Firearm Safety is a one-hour class and involves no live-fire on handling of guns.  This is a perfect class for anyone, of any age, to learn about how to be safe around handguns, rifles, and shotguns.  Firearm Safety is designed for people with little or no firearms experience, people familiar with firearms but wanting to update their safety skills, or those with limited to no interest in owning and operating a firearm but who still want to understand their operation and know how to ensure their own and others safety around firearms. This course will provide a safe and enjoyable discussion of firearm safety and covers the safe use, unloading, storing, and transporting of firearms as well as addressing additional legal issues. The class concludes with a review and questions from the students.

The class is typically offered once a month; please refer to our online training calendar for scheduling. Click here

Prerequisites: None

Cost: $ 20.00


  • Course Handouts

 Customer Responsibility:

  • Complete Liability Waiver prior to the start of class –  Click Here
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to class for check in


  • This class is available for private parties and other group events
  • Students needing to complete a Court Ordered safety class should contact Indy Arms to schedule a one-two hour private instruction with one of our Senior Instructors.
  • Students arriving more than 10 minutes after the designated start time may not be allowed into class and will need to reschedule

***Please come in 15- 20 min early to complete the necessary check in process before any training class. This will give us time to verify your range waiver at the counter. This is also the time to buy ammo, Holster, Hearing protection, anything you will need for the class. Classes start promptly and we don’t want you to miss anything.***

12/04/2020, RWC, Updated

Tickets Title Price Action
2025 July
10 available
Firearm Safety
07/13/2025 Sun 11:00-13:00+Google Calendar

Please fill in all required fields
