Brad Buskirk has served our country since 2002 as an US Army SGT and has been instrumental in training service members all around the world. Brad is a Senior Instructor, Assistant Simulator instructor, and continues to work with local law enforcement and the Indiana National Guard. Brad currently serves as a consultant to our armed forces. His military career included experience in a select group called Auxiliary Security Force (ASF) assisting command level operational priorities. Brad is a certified USCCA Instructor and NRA Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Home Firearm Safety, and Range Safety Officer and has worked closely in the past with the NRA and Boy Scouts of America to provide high quality firearms training programs. Brad is currently focused on integrating judgmental training and threat management training into Indy Arms’ curriculum using our Simulator.
Brad is an active competitive shooter and can often be found competing in mid-range and long-range F Class rifle competitions. Additionally, he has been extensively trained in the defensive and tactical use of handgun, shotgun, and rifle at Front Sight, recently obtaining ‘combat master’ status. He continues his training, often organizing groups of fellow trainers to attend schools throughout the U.S. In addition to owning and operating a highly successful range-training-retail firearms business he also does range consulting within the industry helping other stores and ranges to become their best.
Brad sums up his philosophy of firearms instruction with one word: passion. He has a passion for training whether it is working with law enforcement, military, professional security or personal carry and civilian ‘volunteer’ security. His goal is to teach everyone safe, practical, and real world applicable skills to allow them to be better prepared to protect themselves and others.
Although Brad teaches many of Indy Arms’ live fire classes he most often teaches private sessions of our Introduction to Handgun/Rifle and Basic Defensive Handgun/Rifle classes and oversees our Simulation classes.