Bowling Pin Results

Results and winners of the Bowling Pin Shooting Matches’ five divisions will be posted here shortly after each match. Score is the combination of the time (-3 seconds per uncleared pins) from the two best of three runs.  Pins must be fully off the table to be counted as cleared in Heavy Metal, in all other divisions they just need to be knocked over.

  • Rim Fire: Stock or Unlimited, any rim-fire (typically .22lr) pistol
  • Revolver: Stock or Unlimited, any center-fire revolver
  • Semi-Automatic Stock:  Any center-fire semi-automatic handgun with open iron sights, no extensive modifications to the frame, no changes to the balance or weight, no compensated barrels, or trigger pulls under 3 pounds chambered in 9mm or smaller.
  • Semi-Automatic Unlimited:  Any center-fire semi-automatic that does not fit the definition of stock chambered in 9mm or smaller.
  • Heavy Metal: Stock or Unlimited, any center-fire semi-automatic chambered in a round larger than 9mm.