Tactical Rifle 2

Tactical Rifle 2 is an informational and hands-on class in the use of the modern semi-automatic rifle as a home defense weapon and extends the training provided in Indy Arms’ Basic Defensive Rifle and Tactical Rifle 1 courses.  Tactical Rifle 2 moves beyond accuracy and basic tactical skills to include shooting from cover, multiple target engagement, transitions, off-handed shooting, wounded (simulated) operations, knelling shooting positions, and tactical movement. The class is based on the most common self-defense rifles, of which the AR-15 platform is the overwhelmingly dominant example.  The Ruger Mini-14 (based on the Garand platform) and the AK family of rifles (commonly but incorrectly referred to as the AK-47) are also suitable for the class (if you are bringing a rifle other than an AR-15 platform, please inform Indy Arms when you register for the class).

Tactical Rifle 2 includes lecture, dry fire and live-fire sessions and can be shot with both iron sights and with optics if those are available.  This course will consist of about 1 hours of classroom material and practice, and about 3 hours of live-fire range time. The class is nominally four hours in length, but sometimes runs a bit longer, based on student questions.

Students will shoot 300 rounds of ammunition.

Course Goal
“To continue the structured development of the tactical skills required to comfortably and effectively use a semi-auto rifle for home/personal defense, and to provide the student with techniques and exercises to develop and refine these skills.”


  1. Common Malfunctions
  2. Speed loading
  3. Tactical re-loading
  4. Multiple shots and multiple targets
  5. Moving, shooting, and scanning
  6. Use of cover, room clearing
  7. Transitions
  8. Review and Questions

Prerequisites: Students taking Tactical Rifle 2 should have completed Indy Arms’ Tactical Rifle 1.  If you have any questions, please contact Indy Arms staff.

Course Completion: Students will receive an Indy Arms Company certificate of attendance upon completion of the course.

If this class is a prerequisite for additional classes and the instructor has concerns regarding a student’s skills, the instructor, at their sole discretion, can note that the student needs to retake the class or seek private instruction before continuing on to more advanced classes.

Cost:  $99.00


  • Personal Protection Equipment: Eye and Ear Rental
  • Targets
  • Training Aids

Customer Responsibility/Gear:

  • Complete Liability Waiver prior to the start of class –  Click Here
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to class for check in
  • Rifle sling required
  • Rifle with functioning iron sights
    • AR-15 Platform chambered in .223, 5.56, 22LR, or pistol calibers
    • Mini-14 chambered in .223 or 7.62
    • AKS Platform chambered in 7.62
  • 300 Rounds of ammunition (Ammunition may be purchased from Indy Arms Company or students may supply their own, subject to inspection and approval)
  • 3 magazines
  • Magazine pouch
  • Handgun, Holster (no rounds needed)


  • This class is specifically designed for the AR-15 platform. Other rifles are allowed; however, the student must understand that certain lessons and drills may need to be modified or skipped if using a different rifle.  We strongly suggest the used of an AR-15 platform for this class.
  • Students under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult (ask about a youth discount for training classes)
  • Students arriving more than 10 minutes after the designated start time may not be allowed into class and will need to reschedule

***Please arrive 15- 20 minutes early to complete the necessary check in process before any training class. This will give us time to verify your range waiver at the counter. This is also the time to buy ammo, holster, hearing and/ or eye protection or anything else you will need for the class. Classes start promptly and we don’t want you to miss anything.***

3/13/2025, JTN, Updated

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